We feed and recommend a Raw Diet
When a dog or cat eats some whole raw food, they’re compelled to use their minds, psyches and bodies in a way that is positively stimulating.Feeding our pets raw puts them in touch with their natural, innate and dynamic instincts, fuels their bodies in a biologically appropriate way, and so they thrive.
There are many things that go into keeping your cat healthy and happy. Genetics and environment play a part. But, there is one thing that has a huge effect on your cat's health, and that is diet. Cats are carnivores that evolved to eat a diet of raw meat. It is only over the past 70 years or so that we have tried to feed cats a diet based on foods unsuitable for a carnivore. Grains, vegetable and plant matter and highly processed and cooked meat. It's no wonder cats suffer from so many diet-related diseases. We're changing that.
We Sell our own raw formula please check out our other webpage:
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